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Event Registration

Let's Speak Spanish Pronunciation Practice Jan 7 to Jan 9
01/07/2025 04:00 PM - 01/09/2025 05:30 PM MT


  • $40.00  -  BCA Members
  • $50.00  -  Non-Members
  • $40.00  -  Student (HS, College)


Online Class


Mastery of pronunciation will help students at any level learn faster, speak better, and listen more effectively. During these three days, we will practice Spanish vowels and consonants, diphthongs, syllable accent. As time permits, we also will practice many cognates, or common words in English and Spanish. NOTE: This class is recommended for all beginning and intermediate students. Registration Fee: $50 / $40 BCA Members.

Note: To preview the class and access class materials, please go to the Let's Speak Spanish Website:
Event Registration is closed.
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