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Event Registration

March 5, 2025: Cross Border Tour- Nogales, Sonora
03/05/2025 08:30 AM - 05:30 PM MT


  • $95.00  -  BCA Member
  • $105.00  -  NonMember


[No City], AZ
United States of America


Nogales, Sonora Day tour. Visit our partner nonprofit organizations in Nogales, eat lunch at Burrito Hass, learn about the city of Nogales, Sonora and have coffee & dessert at La Roca. Tour fee: $95/ members; $105/ non-members

Please complete the form to register for the event.

Individual registration information:


If you are registering as an organization, please enter the additional fields below.

Company Information:

Participants and BCA Members 

Event participants and BCA members have the option to set up a new account or login to manage your account.  To create an account, please create a login name and password. If you would like to manage your account (i.e., view donation history, change address, etc.), please login.

Waiver Statement:

Waiver of Liability – Mexico Cross Border Tour

Assumption of Risks

I/we are voluntarily participating in a Cross Border Tour offered by the Border Community Alliance with the knowledge that travel to Mexico involves risks, including, but not limited to: forces of nature, roads, vehicles or other means of conveyance, accident and illness. I/we agree to be responsible for our own welfare and to accept any and all risks for the trip.

Release of Liability

I/we realize that the willingness of the Border Community Alliance to provide Cross Border Tours is based in part on all participants signing this Assumption of Risks and Release of Liability. Therefore, we release and discharge the Border Community Alliance, its Board of Directors, staff and all persons associated therewith against any and all liability arising from our participation in this Cross Border Tour to the fullest extent permitted by law.  I/We agree that this release will be binding upon ourselves, our heirs, successors, assigns and legal representatives.



5-11-14  jph

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